First GAN Trained & NFT Collection
This is my first StyleGan2 ADA I trained after reading an article about being able to produce various images using machine learning. This concept really caught my attention and after spending some time figuring out how to code the algorithms and set up the training I produced the Gen 1 Abstract Collection. I will be producing additional generations where I will use different images, training techniques, and algorithms to produce the images. After which I generate 1000 images and pick 10 that I like the most which then I turned into NFTs.
Gen 1
Image Dataset #: 1231
Image Size: 512 x 512
Seeds : 1 - 1000
Total NFTs: 10
Minted: 10 / 10
Training Time: 5 Days
Blockchain: Ethereum
This is the first GAN I ever trained after reading an article on AI generated images which caught my attention. It was created using 1231 various Abstract images and trained for 5 days to produce these results.

Gen 2
Image Dataset #: 5991
Image Size: 1024 x 1024
Seeds : 1 - 1000
Total NFTs: 10
Minted: 10 / 10
Training Time: 7 Days
Blockchain: Ethereum
The Second Abstract Generation created with a larger training dataset of 5991 images and training for 7 days. I started this training from scratch to increase the resolution of the images since Gen 1 was 512 x 512.
Gen 3
Image Dataset #: 11,554
Image Size: 1024 x 1024
Seeds : 1 - 1000
Total NFTs: 20
Minted: 20 / 20
Training Time: 11 Days
Blockchain: Polygon
One of my favorite themes to work with is Abstract art, since no matter how it turns out, it is always interesting. For this collection I just continued to make the Abstract image dataset the AI trains on larger, with artwork I hand picked.

Gen 4
Coming In The Future