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Second NFT Collection
After having success with my first Abstract Collection and loving the results I was curious what kind of results I would get if I combined my favorite surreal artists Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso and trained a StyleGan using their artwork as a dataset.
Gen 1
Image Dataset #: 2583
Image Size: 512x512
Seeds : 1 - 1000
Total NFTs: 10
Minted: 10 / 10
Training Time: 7 Days
This is the second collection I created after having success with my Abstract collection and being curious what would happen if I combined some of my favorite surreal artists.

Gen 2
Image Dataset #: 4122
Image Size: 1024 x 1024
Seeds : 1 - 1000
Total NFTs: 20
Minted: 20 / 20
Training Time: 11 Days
The Second SalVanPic Generation created with a larger training dataset of 4122 images and training for 11 days. I started this training from scratch to increase the resolution of the images since Gen 1 was 512 x 512 and removed double images.
Gen 3
Coming In The Future
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